изтекло събитие
16 – 26 November 2023
Organizer The Stara Zagora State Opera
Place of conducting Regional Library “Zahariy Knyazheski”
The Master Vocal Course, conducted by the eminent opera singer and pedagogue Kaludi Kaludov will be held from 16 to 26 November 2023 in Stara Zagora within the framework of the 53rd edition of the Festival of the Opera and Ballet Arts
The aim of the organizers is to support talented young opera singers in their vocal and professional advancement. In the program of the Course are included work on the vocal technique and on the interpretation of the role. The Course will finish with Galla Concert by the participants in the Masterclasses of Veselina Kazarova and Kaludi Kaludov on 29 November at 19.00 on the stage of the Staro Zagora Opera House.
Conditions for PARTICIPATION:
• Active participants – young opera singers, born after 1 December 1988;
• There are no age limitations for listeners;
Participation fees
• Document consideration – 20 euro (no remittance)
Put in the bank account at submitting an online application.
Bank account SNT Board of Custodians of the Stara Zagora Opera
Unicredit Bulbank AD Уникредит Булбанк АД
IBAN: BG39UNCR70001522471986
• The active participants do not pay a participation fee /the accommodation and daily expenses are covered by the participants in the Masterclass/
• Listeners – no fee. The number of the listeners is limited and it is desirable that they declare their participation in advance at the given email address.
Necessary documents
• Submitted application /free text/ at email address masterclass.kaludikaludov@operasz.bg, which contains a short autobiography, attached, a photo of resolution capacity not less than 300 dpi, audio/video recording with a performance of the candidate, repertoire, with which he wants to participate in the course, address, telephone, email for feedback
• Deadline for submission of the applications – 7 November 19.00.
Selection of the Candidates
• The candidates who have submitted their application within the stated term are selected for active participants in the Masterclass of Maestro Kaludi Kaludov on the basis of a provided audio/video recording.
16 – 26 November – from 10.00 – 20.00, Hall Regional Library “Zahariy Knyazheski”
28 November – General rehearsal in Opera Hall – Stara Zagora
29 November – 19.00 – Galla Concert of the participants
• All active participants receive a diploma for a finished Masterclass.
• The organizer provides an engagement for an excellent participant, selected by Maestro Kaludov, in a spectacle of the repertoire of the Stara Zagora State Opera