On 5 October at 20.00, the Stara Zagora Opera presented on the stage of the Olympic Hall “Mirza Delibasic” of the Cultural and Sports Center “Skenderija” in Sarajevo its musical-scenic “Requiem” by Mozart under the baton of the eminent Bosnian conductor and composer, holder of the “Peace” Prize of the International Center for Peace for his contribution to humanism and the rights of people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe and the world Emir Nuhanovic. The name of Emir Nuhanovic became famous during the horrible war in Bosnia and Herzegovina – one of the monstrous terrible pages in the history of Europe in the 20th century. The conductor organized concerts during the War and the Sarajevo Philharmonic did not stop its activity even under the falling over Sarajevo bombs. The Concert Hall was like a temple of the music and a spiritual support at the background of the destruction and bloodshed outside it. “It was risky”, reveals he, “since we could become a target. But the Hall was always full of people. The music turned into a way for us to oppose violence.”
Requiem in Sarajevo – 30 years later
History: “You know that 30 years ago we performed Mozart’s Requiem in the building of the Municipality. We spent a month preparing the ruined Municipality so that we could perform in the Hall of the Library, we prepared a stage for the Orchestra and the Choir. Then we performed the “Requiem” in impossible conditions and under the sounds of falling grenades, but this resounded in the whole world”, shares Nuhanovic, on the occasion of the performance of the musical-scenic “Requiem” by Mozart with a ballet on 5 October in the Hall “Mirza Delibasic”, Skenderija. “The idea of the Requiem was born four-five years ago, when besides music, I wanted to add something else because this is the most marvelous work by Mozart”. In 2023 the Maestro was invited to conduct in Stara Zagora the premiere of the musical-scenic spectacle of “Requiem” of Mozart by the Director of the Stara Zagora Opera and director of the monumental production Ognyan Draganov. Impressed by the theater-dance solution of the spectacle to the choreography of the Prima Ballerina and Art Director of the Ballet of the Stara Zagora Opera Silviya Tomova and the scenic vision of the artist Salvatore Russo, Emir Nuhanovic decided that exactly with this spectacle will be marked the dramatic anniversary related to so much grief, emotions, hope and striking events.
The guest-performance of the Stara Zagora Opera in Sarajevo coincided also with the tragic events which a the natural disaster brought to the region of the second in size city in Bosnia and Herzegovina Mostar. The news about the natural disaster and the victims provoked the organizers to start a charity campaign to help the victims. The Requiem by Mozart – which had turned into a symbol of the black for Bosnia and Herzegovina and civilized Europe page again became a light-holder of the message of peace, compassion and tolerance. A call for love and support. The organizers made a decision the proceeds from the television recording and its distribution should go to the victims of the floods and their families. All the participants in the spectacle and its creators donated their fees of copyrights.
The evening of 5 October gathered in the Olympic Hall “Skenderija” over 3000 people. Two hours before the beginning of the spectacle a huge queue of hundreds of spectators was winding from the boulevard in the direction of the entrance of the Hall and quickly and unperceivably filled in with people the whole amphitheater tribune on several levels, as well as the intended in the stalls for spectators’ and VIP zones of the cultural and sports center Skenderija. Spectators who were impatient to enter and experience the advertised and expected for months event. In the advertising campaign besides Maestro Nuhanovic and his foundation “Amadeus”, all Bosnian media, tourist centers, public, governmental and non-governmental organizations, actively took part also the Bulgarian Embassy in Sarajevo with its ambassador His Excellency Mr Valeri Yotov and his wife Mrs Silva Yotova. The diplomatic couple-cherisher of the Bulgarian spirit and culture, met the fellow-countrymen sincerely and welcomed them, they both were present all the time during the preparation, the rehearsals and the spectacle of the musical-scenic Requiem, and cooperated unreservedly in the providing of the comfort of the ensemble of the Stara Zagora Opera during their stay in Sarajevo. The Ambassador did not miss to note that for them it was a great honor to meet in Sarajevo the Stara Zagora Opera – “the theater – one hundred-year-old man”, who for the first time in Bulgaria dared to produce Opera in the Stadium, Opera with Puppets and Opera in the Circus, which is an incredible project! The theater, which has such an exceptional team, led by the Director Ognyan Draganov, bears in itself so much innovation and bravery, and which besides its marvelous soloists, Choir and Orchestra, inspired creative and technical team, has such a wonderful ballet troupe of young people from all over the world.” Mr Valeri Yotov and his wife cooperated in the organization of the event heartfully and committedly by managing – together with Maestro Nuhanovic, to attract the attention of the whole diplomatic elite, who were invited to attend. The invitation was accepted by the ambassadors of Turkey, Sweden, France, Algeria, Slovenia, Romania, Palestina, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Greece, Czechia, Croatia, Belgium, Austria, Azerbaijan and others. At the spectacle of the scenic “Requiem in Sarajevo” was also present Mr Christian Schmidt – High Representative, appointed by the Organization of the United Nations, as well as the former Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey Tansu Ciller. “Yesterday evening at the spectacle of the “Requiem” performed by Bulgarian and Bosnian artists, it was a great privilege for me to meet again Mrs Ciller and share memories of the unforgettable time when she held the position in the 90-s of the last century”, said the High Representative Christian Schmidt. He praised the Bulgarian and Bosnian artists for their exceptional gesture to support the affected of the tragic disaster regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
On 2 February 1994 the two at that time prime ministers of Turkey and Pakistan, Tansu Ciller and Benazir Bhutto, came to surrounded Sarajevo. It was the central news in all world media. At a time, when many men – leaders of states were not inclined to visit the most dangerous city in the world, two of the most beautiful ladies in the world of politics arrived in Sarajevo only some days before the massacre in Markale”, remembers Nuhanovic and continues:
“I thank for the media announcements about our “Requiem” that it happens 30 years after the one in the Municipality in 1994 and that the artists of the Stara Zagora Opera, of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the citizens of Sarajevo and the whole of Bosnia Herzegovina will appeal for peace, especially in defense of the children in these destiny-moments for the whole planet of the Earth.”
The former prime minister of the Republic of Turkey Tansu Ciller /in the period from 1993 to 1996/ shared to the Bosnian media that in 1994 she came to the surrounded Sarajevo, to call for awakening the consciousness of the world and to stop the massacre, but that today a similar tragedy is repeated in Gaza and the world should react and nurture the culture of co-existence. She specially arrived for a visit in Sarajevo to attend the musical-scenic spectacle “Requiem in Sarajevo” and personally support the artists, who in their own way express simultaneously protest and a message for peace in the world.
Pointing out that this time she is again overwhelmed with grief because of the floods which hit several cities in Bosna and Herzegovina, Ciller said that she believed that this place and its people will always have the strength to overcome each pain and challenge.
“As early as then I said that the ideal of Europe is a culture, which nurtures and develops multiethnicity and democratic standards. If the West defends it, let it show it. I am happy to see that things are improved in Sarajevo, the buildings are not in ruins any more, they are restored and we see that this city has cultural and European values. This makes me happy and is the light of hope.”
The Triumph of the Musical-Scenic REQUIEM IN SARAJEVO!
“Once again – we bow to the talent of the Ballet, Choir and Orchestra and the management team of the Stara Zagora Opera! You gave us an unforgettable experience.” – wrote the ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria in Sarajevo Mr Valeri Yotov and shared summarized statements of ambassadors of different countries:
”Marvelous”, “an exceptional spectacle”, “a unique interpretation of Requiem with ballet”, “incredible performance”, “Impressive blue sky and background – the pictures by Bruegel!” – Many of the ambassadors want it to be staged in other countries as well, gratitude for the presentation of “Requiem in Sarajevo”.
Mrs Silva Yotova added:
“It is real happiness that there are people like you! You charge with positive energy and faith in goodness all whom you touch. We still cannot believe we were happy to meet you, to be with you and share the emotions of the unique spectacle!
There are reports and responses in the city, people congratulate us and we are happy for your glory and admiration, and they are for you, because you are exceptional!
Creators, artists, creative, perfect with great imagination and incredible commitment, faith and energy!”
And more – a response from spectators: “REQUIEM IN SARAJEVO”…
A divine masterpiece…magic music of Requiem by Mozart in a complex scenic performance…
This is a choir masterpiece, whose genesis is shrouded in mystery – one, which makes the work even more captivating and emotionally exciting. Mozart was not in good condition when he received an anonymous commission to compose the Requiem.
He declares that he composed the Requiem for himself and that he was poisoned.
Last night was terrific!
I liked it…🥰❤️
Indira Kucuk Sorguc and friends
The memory of “that” REQUIEM drew my attention to “this” REQUIEM by Mozart with the message of peace, love and support! With one-minute silence were honored the victims of the floods! The anthems of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and the European Union were played by the Stara Zagora Opera – solemnly and grandly after the marvelous speech-memory with the message that the tragedy of those awful years should never be repeated:
“Today, while we are filling concert halls and at this hour in a world, which is never far from us, cruel people destroy the homes of children, the cries of innocent children rise deafening high to the sky and spread in our ruined human world. Some evil people- we should better call them inhuman -every day destroy the homeland of many children, turn their warm homes into ruins, prevent cruelly their happy childhood, without being interested that the happy and sunny childhood is an enchantment for every person. You, cruel and insensitive rulers, give up the wars and be civilized! Do not kill children, and do not make them orphans! Are your hearts so crushed that they are full of children’s crying instead of shining with children’s smiles?! Be devoted to creation and love! The lives of all children are sacred, think that one of the killed children might have become the next Tesla, Nobel laureate or the next Pavarotti! – is emphasized in the appeal for peace, which the artists, gathered in the spectacle “Requiem”, sent with music on 5 October.
We bow to the art and music, which can change destinies!